No Furnace?
It’s been a stressful week. There’s a blizzard coming on Saturday, and our furnace broke on Thursday night. We spent all day Friday dealing with the repair – and also with the fact that our internet was down. All day. The repairman was nice and, even more importantly,...
Books and Hens…
I’ve been trying to read more. This sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but, well. I’m having a hard time finding stories I really love. I can find many that are ‘good enough’, stories that I can finish, but few which really grab me by the lapels (if I wore...
Winter is for Hibernating
Getting out of bed is so hard. I know, I know, I was just complaining about this last week, but I don’t mean to complain. I think it’s reasonable to want to hibernate at times like this. Wintertime. When it’s cold and yucky out, and there’s only about ten minutes of...
New Year 2022
New years are interesting. They're 'fresh starts', opportunities to let go of old patterns and habits which aren't working. There's a lot of pressure to Make Resolutions and Do It Right, as if you hadn't made resolutions a million times already and found that...
Nearly There!
I'm doing the last minute things before publication, and I expect that In Charm's Way, the second book in the Midlife Magic series, will be out by the end of the week. I'm extremely excited about this. I've been working on this novel for months - it was much harder to...
Back to the Beginning
It's been a wild year. It hasn't even been a year - 2020 is only just past half-way over - and I'm ready for a new start. New England is still lovely, and still ferociously green. Our hens are full-grown and giving us eggs every day. (My uncle sent me ten (10!!!!!)...
Early June, in pictures
It's suddenly summer here - everything is obnoxiously, brilliantly, beautifully green. Flowers abound, and bees are flying everywhere, working hard to make sure we all have lots to eat and see and admire. My lawn is in desperate need of mowing, the trees around my...
What to call what I write. UF? PR? MR?
Credit: vinh pham Urban Fantasy, Magical Realism, and where are all those werewolves coming from? So, genres. I admit that I find most of what's currently being called Urban Fantasy (UF) rather repetitive and boring. It's all werewolves or 'shifters' and vampires, and...
Late March Photos (posted very late)
Suddenly, it's springtime. Just last week, our lawn was covered in at least 9" of snow and now it's clear and the squirrels are bouncing around, trying to steal the seeds from the bird feeders. It's been a good week, really. We had the first warm sun of the season, my...